Pneumatic (Cortical)Impact Device

Pneumatic (Cortical) Impact Device 

The Pneumatic (Cortical) Impact Device (Model: AMS 201) is designed to provide controlled cortical impact to small animals such as mice and rats for neurological research.

Cortical impact injury as well as fluid percussion brain injury in small animals such as mice and rats can produce graded levels of injury associated with predictable behavioral and physiological changes. The device reproduces pathophysiology of mild to moderate human head injury including biomechanical, neurological, and behavioral trauma features as well as histopathological brain changes.

An Accessory Unit

Automatic Average Rod Speed Measurement Unit  (RSMU)

AmScien Instruments recently announced a new PC-based Accessory Unit for automatic measurement of average rod speed, RSMU (Part Number: AMS 201-A1). Working with the Pneumatic (Cortical) Impact Device, Model AMS 201, this unit provides the following features:

(1) PC screen display of rod movement waveform
(2) Automatic measurement of average rod speed
(3) Experimental events record Table; and
(4) Experimental report.

To view the advantages and more detailed features of the PC-Based Automatic Measurement Unit, (Click here)

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